For Kids

Want to be your dog's BFF?
Of course you do!!!
And great news — it's SIMPLE! All you have to do is watch these videos and your dog will think that YOU are THE coolest kid ever!
Dogs everywhere desperately want you to know this stuff and then go and teach ALL your friends.
Because, although dogs have feelings, they CAN'T talk like we can... so they need SUPER kids (just like you!) to understand how they like to be treated AND to speak up for them.
...and YOU look like the PERFECT person for the job.
So get clicking! 🙃
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To stick on your wall... or take to school!
Hey Parents!
Don't Just 'Wing It'
Adding a dog to your family is not the kind of thing you want to just 'leave to chance'. Instead... suit-up the whole fam with the important skills you can't afford to skip - and feel super confident that you're getting it right. Right from the start.
Check out our program created ESPECIALLY for you.
The Dial Method (Families + Kids Edition)
It's a MUST HAVE for parents raising children and a dog together.
Train smarter.
Not harder.
If you'd love a SIMPLE plan to follow, for raising your family dog, a plan that's been created for parents JUST like you... that will keep you on track and help you actually enjoy the process, rather than constantly second-guessing yourself...
Amazing news... You've just found it.
Want a sneak peak INSIDE the video first?
Check out a clip BEFORE you buy. Just tell us where to send it.