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Is your child consistently overly-affectionate towards your dog: following, disturbing, kissing, hugging, picking up, OR getting frustrated with your dog: pushing them, teasing and being too rough?

If you've brushed with danger or feel that it's just around the corner, this mini-course is the blueprint to totally overhauling the dynamic in your home.

It answers ALL the essential questions, to help you create a SAFE environment for you children (and your dog):

  • WHY it's happening
  • WHAT all parents need to know about dogs when they have children
  • HOW to change the dynamic between the kids and the dog
  • WHO should be assigned which roles in caring for your dog
  • ...AND what to LOOK OUT FOR to avoid serious trouble - for your child and ultimately for your dog.

Plus some fun (SAFE) games and activities that the whole family can enjoy.

GET AHEAD of the drama with Code Red's 5 steps to avoiding serious trouble between your kids and dog.